Year 10 and 11 Uniform
- Plain grey blazer (turquoise piping)
- Plain white shirt
- College teal V-neck jumper
- Grey (full or knee length) skirt or trousers
- Plain black shoes
- Black socks/tights
- College tie
- College bag (available from college)
- Turquoise Head scarf (optional) (available from college)
- Student can only wear 1 small stud in each ear only
PE – Outdoor
- College shirt.
- Black/Navy tracksuit bottoms/shorts.
- Football boots and trainers.
- Black football socks
PE – Indoor
- College shirt.
- Black socks
- Black/Navy tracksuit bottoms/shorts
- Trainers
Students are not allowed:
- to wear trainers, jeans, denim, skinny fit trousers, tracksuit bottoms or tops, split skirts, sweat shirts, cardigans, hoodies, zip up jumpers or caps/hats.
- Jewellery (except 1 pair of stud in each ear)
- any make-up
- Nose stud
- Extreme Hairstyles: Brightly coloured hair dyes, totally shaved or decorated scalps ,no tram lines or motifs are unacceptable for college, as are shaved eyebrows.
Those not in the correct uniform will be dealt with in the following ways:
- Students wearing inappropriate or unsafe jewellery will be asked to remove it and parents asked to collect it by appointment with their child's Learning Coach.
- Student will be sent to isolation for the day OR
- Student will be sent home to change into the correct uniform and return to college OR
- Parents are asked to bring the correct uniform into college while the student waits in isolation.
Mobile phones/MP3 players are not permitted in college and must be handed in on arrival at college. Parents will be asked to collect them by appointment with their Learning Coach.