Our school

Message from the Executive Principal,

Mr S. Farar

Opened in 2013, Waverley Studio College is part of the Waverley Education Foundation Trust. We cater for students across key stages 4 and 5, and we are very proud of our college community which is rich in cultural diversity. Our specialisms are in Business and Enterprise, Health and Childcare and Sport.

Through the core values of the Trust - Humanity, Equality, Aspiration and Respect (HEAR) we encourage our students to have high expectations, aim high, work hard and develop their intellectual powers to the full. To help our students to achieve this, we have skilful, committed, dedicated staff and a stimulating and disciplined learning environment.

In our recent Ofsted Inspection in September 2022, Inspectors stated that “Pupils show respect for others, including those from different backgrounds.”

Our mission is to unlock the talents of all our students, to continually challenge them to achieve their best, and to develop the skills for a lifelong love of learning in preparation for their future. It is only through challenge that students truly discover what they are capable of. We demand excellence of ourselves and our community so that we can best serve our students and have an ambitious future.

Waverley Studio College is built around the way young people learn. Not everyone is able to do their best in a traditional classroom setting. By using innovative teaching methods and small class sizes, we ensure every student has a personalised programme of study that supports maximum learning gains, not just in school but for their lives beyond. Our curriculum is underpinned by the CREATE framework which is unique to Studio Schools and has been developed by the Studio Schools Trust.

Key employability and life skills underpin all of the activities at a Studio School through the unique CREATE skills framework. CREATE is comprised of a wide range of skills and stands for Communication, Relating to people, Enterprise, Application of skills, Thinking and Emotional intelligence.

“Leaders have designed an ambitious curriculum, which they are adapting to take account of the changing profile of the school. They have put in place a wider range of courses and qualifications to prepare pupils for their next steps.” – Ofsted 2022

We are unwavering in our belief that every student deserves an inclusive learning experience that is tailored to meet their own individual needs and to help them progress to the next stage of their learning or working life.

At Waverley Studio College we strive for the highest standards in all that we do, creating a culture of high aspiration amongst all members of our community and empowering students to become lifelong learners and develop key skills that will prepare them for the world of work.

“Leaders prepare pupils well for the world of work.” – Ofsted 2022

Throughout their time at Waverley Studio College, your child will develop as a ‘Waverley Learner’. This is someone who is an independent enquirer, creative thinker, reflective learner, team worker, self-manager and effective participator.

To achieve success for your child, there needs to be a strong partnership between the college and parents/carers. It relies upon parents/carers having high aspirations for their child; teachers having high aspirations for themselves and their students and the students having high aspirations for themselves. This partnership, we are confident, will result in ultimate success for your child.