SEND information
We are a 14-19 educational provider based in Bordesley Green, where the majority of our students are expected to reach the education standards for their age. A number of our students do have special educational needs. Students are identified as having a SEND when their progress has slowed or stopped. The college is comprised of three main blocks. Two blocks have a ground and first floor, the third is full height but on one floor as to the gym being in that building. There are lifts in the two teaching blocks, so the upstairs areas are fully accessible to wheelchair users. Disabled access toilets are available on each floor. Some students require a supervised quiet area for social times and this is provided.
At Waverley Studio College we cater for students with SEND in our college may have difficulties with:
- Communication and interaction
- Cognition and learning
- Social, emotional and mental health
Tracking and monitoring
We have robust tracking and assessment processes. For every child, they have face to face parent/carer consultation evenings, termly progress checks and one full written report each year. All teachers constantly check and review progress made by all students.
- All students with SEND will have their progress reviewed throughout the year
- Staff will arrange to meet the parent/carer and the student to discuss their progress
- Where an external agency has been working with the student, this specialist may be invited to contribute to the meeting
- If a student has an Education Health and Care Plan will have an Annual Review meeting involving the SENCO, parent/carer, and student, as well as any other relevant parties. Parents/carers may invite someone to accompany them if they wish. We don’t currently have a student on roll with an EHCP.
Support and guidance
Where there is a lack of progress, additional support may be needed. Any support provided will always be considered in the light of the type of need, the purpose of the support and expected outcomes.
Students with SEND might be supported in any of the following ways:
- Individual or small group work which may take place before, during or after the college day;
- In-class support from a Teaching Assistant;
- Access arrangements for examinations, based on need, history of need, and whether it is the student's usual way of working;
- Intervention from external agencies;
- Where completion of homework is an issue, support can be provided through our teachers or TA’s.
Birmingham Local Offer
The Birmingham Local Offer website includes information about the wide range of services that are available to support all areas of a child’s life (0-25 years) especially those with a Special Educational Need or Disability (SEND). This includes support with education, physical and mental health, social care, leisure activities and moving towards independence and adulthood.
Every local authority in England has a duty to provide children and young people, (0-25 years) with support if they have Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities - this is known as the Local Offer. Every local authority has to publish what support is available on a website: this is called the Local Offer Website.
This Local Offer website gives information about the support that the local authority expects to be available across education, health and social care. The information on the website is clear and easy to find. It says who a particular service is for, how to apply, and how decisions are made about who gets that service.
The information you should be able to find on a Local Offer Website includes:
- Sources of support, advice and information for children, young people and families including support groups and forums.
- Special educational, health and social care provision for children and young people with SEN or disabilities
- Arrangements to identify and assess children and young people with SEN, including how an assessment can be requested.
- Other educational provision, for example leisure activities, sports or arts provision,
- Information about provision to assist in preparing children and young people for adulthood including post-16 education and training provision
- Arrangements for travel to and from schools, post-16 institutions and early years providers
- Childcare, including suitable provision for disabled children and those with SEND
- Support available to young people in higher education, particularly the Disabled Students Allowance (DSA) and the process and timescales for making an application for DSA
- Arrangements for resolving disagreements and for mediation, and details about making complaints
Parent/Carer information
As a parent/carer of a child with SEND and who is receiving a specific intervention, you will be invited into college, contacted by telephone, or emailed to update you on your child’s progress. This will happen at least termly. Parents/carers of a child with an EHCP will be invited to discuss the progress of their child on a termly basis. Progress, attendance, behaviour, readiness for learning, self-esteem, and any other relevant area could be discussed at a face-to-face meeting, parents/carers, SENCO and outside agency specialists may be present. We will always try to inform parents/carers in advance of the meeting who will be present. Parents/carers can ask for any trusted adult, such as a grandparent, to accompany them to the review meeting. For children on the College SEND Register there will be additional opportunities to meet or liaise with key staff throughout the year at timely intervals, dependent on need.
For further information or to request copies of any documents provided on this page please contact our SENCO.
SENCO: Ms P Gohir, Assistant Principal
Telephone: 0121 566 6622