Our values and vision

Our vision

  • To prepare learners for the world of work (through unlocking talent, creating future and changing lives)

Our mission

  • We endeavour to provide quality learning, experiences and develop the whole individual.

We aim to achieve these through our key principles: 

  • Aspiration: Our commitment is raise our student's aspirations and for them to be the best that they can be; 
  • Basics: We will focus on the developing the basics of good manners, behaviour and effort;
  • Competencies: Our students will develop their character, through working with our community and shaping our curriculum.

We purpose is to be: consistent in what we do, have clarity when doing things and endeavour to communicate.   

Our values

Waverley Studio College is committed to ‘learning through diversity’ and the development of a strong ethos where everyone in the college community respects one another and supports the work of the college. Waverley College values diversity and seeks to give everyone in the college an equal chance to learn, work and live, free from the action, or fear, of racism, discrimination, or prejudice. We are further committed to the development of cohesive communities and prevention of extremism and radicalisation both within our college’s physical boundaries and within our local, national and global environments. By our actions we will work together to develop the potential of all pupils academically, socially, culturally and psychologically and to establish a community that is just and fair for all people who work at or visit Waverley College. Promoting a culture of learning through diversity is driven by our core college values of: Humanity, equality, aspiration, and respect.

Humanity – We will foster an understanding of human values and attitudes, past and present and how society is organised, develops and changes. Enabling all pupils to succeed in a global and British society.

Equality – That we ensure that there is an equality of opportunity for individuals, pupils, parents, teachers, and the college community. At Waverley we value the diversity of the college community and respect the individuality of each person.

Aspiration – Our Pupils are the citizens of tomorrow. Our pupils will be able to be successful anytime, anywhere, any place. That we celebrate in the achievements of all the colleges communities showing the excellence from all faiths, cultures and genders.

Respect – At Waverley we intend to create an environment which allows all learners to flourish by encouraging mutual respect for each other and respect for ‘learning’. At Waverley we value the diversity of the college community and respect the individuality of each person.